Sin changes the cause of Destiny

Deuteronomy  28:15 But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee:

Sin is an immoral act against a divine law, breaking of God's law, not doing biblical principles of good, doing what is against one's conscience and  doing unrighteousness 

As much as sin breaks our relationship with God spiritually, it is also capable of changing the divine plan of God for us. 

Many people God have planned to have a sweet, beautiful and happy journey of life suddenly begin to experience sorrow, bitterness, delay and unfavourable life because of one sin or the other. 

Adam and Eve were created to live in the garden of Eden forever full of peace, joy and happiness encapsulated with God's presence, but the sin of disobedience  made them experience otherwise which brings death to mankind. 

God promised the house of Eli to be priest for Him forever, but due to the sin of poor parenting, coupled with the sin of his children made God revoke his promises and diverted it unto Samuel who was not of his blood.. 

Same way with Samuel who also could not brought up his children well, made the children of Israel to demand for a king... 

King Saul's sin of disobedience made his kingdom taken away from him and given to David... 

King Solomon, being full of wisdom and riches could not curtain his urge for women, made him to marry even from the nation God has rejected, which made him an idol worshiper.. This made God divide His kingdom... 

Gehaze would have received the double potion of the power of Elisha and quadruple power of Elijah, but the sin of covetousness and lie made him lose all in life. 

Examine your life today, is your present predicament not the result of your misdeeds or that of your parent? 

Many truly do not kill, tell lies, fornicate, commit adultery etc, but what of the simple instruction God gave you? 

Remember moses, even though he acted upon the direction of God but not according to the way God wants it, that singular act made him not to step on the promise land after over forty years of serving God and His people 

Sin can make God change his divine plan over your life, 

it is better not to sin against God than to ask God for mercy when in sin, because the scars of sin will still be visible after redemption.

Think about it
God be with you

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for another day like this in Jesus name

2. Lord, forgive me all my sins today in Jesus name.

3. Lord, with you divine power, bring me back to your Will and purpose for my life in Jesus name.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name.