Do you Know the God you serve?

Daniel  11:32 ... but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.

Many believers have not truly met God neither do they believe what he says... Many know God on the account of the testimonies of others

Many receives the word of God, but for the word to make sense and become fruitful, the believer needs to have an encounter

Not knowing God personally or having a divine encounter with God can be dangerous.

There is a level of stability and confidence that comes to your life when you truly know God.

The foundation of every believer's experience in life should be God, not just vision or purpose, not ambition, money or desire for success

Jesus Christ came into this world to personified God in human flesh, that we may be able to comprehend, understand and come into the wisdom of God.

We are not commanded  to just believe God through a prophet, pastor, teacher or anyone, who is fit to communicate the words of God, but we are commanded and given the grace to have a direct access to God the Father through Jesus the son.

Apostle Paul was able to understand the God he served and can never be ashamed... 2 Timothy  1:12 For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.

In this journey of  faith, intimacy and relationship is required

Those who have an Understanding of  God personally will be strong and do exploit in life no matter how weak they are.

Knowing Him is also possible through the scripture... The Bible gives the revelation of the character of God. (2Timorhy 3:15-17)

Another point of knowing God is the ability to know the name of God you serve, not just the God of the name of your pastor... At every point Jacob encounters God, he established a name for it...  when moses was at the burning Bush, he desire to know the name of God whom is sending him on a mission... (Exodus 3:13-15)

A prophet can prophecy death, a dream can be fearful, diseases can be floating around, storms of life may rise, but when you know the God you serve, you have confidence to tell the situation you have a God and know that He is able to turn things around. (Isaiah 38:1-6)

Listening to people's opinion about God is not a ballance diet for any believer, but to have a personal revelation and intimacy of God.

Do you know the God you claim to serve?, not my "pastor said" or my "prophet said" but the God I serve said..

Life will ask you questions that only your knowledge of God will help you  answer

Know the God you serve and have peace.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1 Lord thank you for a new day and a new month in Jesus name

2. Lord, let me have an encounter with you in Jesus name.

3. Lord, reveal yourself to me, for I want to know you more in the name of Jesus name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.