Your Voice Is Needed

2 Kings  5:2 And the Syrians had gone out by companies, and had brought away captive out of the land of Israel a little maid; and she waited on Naaman's wife.  5:3 And she said unto her mistress, Would God my lord were with the prophet that is in Samaria! for he would recover him of his leprosy.

It doesn’t matter how little your voice may sound

It doesn’t matter if it’s melodious or not, 

All that matters is that it is needed to be heard 

Nobody knows the contribution of the little girl in that verse, who happens to be a maid, could change the life of Naaman the great warrior who has suffered many years of leprosy.

It doesn’t matter if you are not a Prophet 

It doesn’t matter if you are not an Evangelist, or an Apostle .

All that matters is that your voice is needed in that crucial matter .

Joseph was never a graduate of finance or accounting, but his little contribution saved a nation from 7 years of farming .

It doesn’t matter if there are better speakers than you

It doesn’t matter if there are better counsellors than you

Your voice is needed in that war room of prayer 

Your voice is needed to speak the truth in that office you are holding

Your voice is needed to sing that song of deliverance, 

The world is waiting for you .

Your voice may be the healing vaccine the world is waiting for 

What has the lord showed you , but you choose not to say?

Maybe because it contradicts what your papa was seeing

Maybe because you are afraid the world may not listen

God can choose not to show your pastor, prophet and Apostles even your GO,

You are afraid to speak because you think you are not at the same level of grace and anointing with your GO, or prophet 

The bible says the ways of God, no man can understand.

He chooses the foolish things to confound the wise

David didn’t keep quiet before King Saul and his brothers.

Don’t ever keep mute, speak as the lord is giving you utterance.

God bless you.