God is with you, In spite of the Circumstances

Hebrews  13:5  ... for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.

God fulfilled his words in the life of Joseph in the book of Genesis 39, the Bible says, "the Lord was with Joseph." But that didn't exempt him from jealousy and betrayal, or the advances of potiphar's wife, or her lies that sent him to prison.

The Bible says, "They bruised his feet with feathers and placed his neck in an iron collar, until the time came to fulfill his dreams.

The Lord tested Joseph's character... Joseph didn't know it, but he was in training for reigning.

God wanted to see if he would choose trust over must, and obedience over expedience.

Joseph was able to learn that, God is with you even when there is no evidence He is.

He is walking along side with you, He is going ahead of you to rearrange circumstances in your favour.

God promised to be with you... But sometimes in the plan of God things get worse before they get better.

That's when you must tighten your grip and lean harder on God.

God will never give up on you, if you don't grow weary.

This promise is only availed if you are in the covenant of his love establish by the death and resurrection of His son Jesus Christ. 

You can accept Him today so you can enjoy the grace and mercy of His protection. 

God bless you.