All For God

Philippians  3:8 Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,

Before you discover your God given purpose in life, you'll often experience a series of adversity that cause you to give up what's temporal and embrace what's eternal.

Apostle Paul,  recounted the loss of every Earthly possessions... When you loose what you thought is everything to you,  that point you are  stripped down to what you had before. 

Just like Job, loosing children, wealth, friends, and fame but not his character and faith in God. 

When you can lay upon the altar something you thought you had to have because you realize it was God all along.. 

God didn't requested the death of Isaac on the alter Abraham made, but want to know if there was anything Abraham loved more than Him.

Until you reach a place where you can lay everything you trusted that can make you have a living at the feet of Jesus and accept His will, then you can truly say you love God. 

God is expecting us to surrender our all, our desires, wants, love, everything and accept His humble will. 

If only we can pray the prayer ... That I gladly give you all it takes to be what you want me to be...

Such prayer is not easy but it will change your life totally.

God bless you.