Salvation is not Free

Philippians  3:7 But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.  3:8 Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,

Free gifts are gifts given without strings attached, not every commodity has a price tag, but terms and Conditions must be strictly adhered to. 

Salvation in christ was never and still not Free for man kind, though the fundamental knowledge of man says otherwise... 

It cost God his only son for we to be saved 

It cost Jesus Christ His life for we to be redeemed 

It cost the devil the  whole of his life to fight against it 

It cost the disciples their respective jobs, fame, personalities and comfort zones, persecution and even death for the message of salvation to reach you and I 

Apostle Paul was able to express  all salvation cost Him, 

It cost him his position, it cost him his profession as a tent maker, all he thought were gain to him he lost for the sake of salvation in christ Jesus. 

Salvation must cost you something 

It must cost you the whole of your life 

It must cost you your desires life. 

It must coat you your wishes and want 

It must cost you your lustful desires 

It must cost you your temperament balancing 

It must cost you to live not according to your will, but the will of christ Jesus. 

It must cost you persecution and hatred from people around you... When your decisions towards life negate their human understanding 

Salvation is not Free, though will not cost you money, but you must pay with a new life, new nature and new being in christ Jesus. 

What has salvation cost you? 

God bless you.