Your God is Unlimited

Jeremiah  32:17 Ah Lord GOD! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee:

God can solve any problem, because He is not bound by any human limitations 

He is not limited  by time, God can do in an instant what would have taken years 

He can speed up the natural process of your healing, He can accelerate your harvest of blessing so that you'll be sowing with one hand and be harvesting with the other 

God is never limited by lack, He created all things and everything is at his disposal... He turn five loves of bread and two fishes into thousands, brought money from the mouth of the fish, and make manner to fall like rain to feed the children of Israel in the wilderness... 

He is not limited by by anything... He made donkey to talk, made an Axe-head to float, and a corpse come back to life after four days,

... You definitely don't have a problem He can't solve, all you have to do is to believe.

Rise up and declare ' nothing is too hard for my God'

Your deliverance begins with that your little faith.

Your God is unlimited... Log into the grace.

God bless you.