It's God's Investment

Judges  13:5 For, lo, thou shalt conceive, and bear a son; and no razor shall come on his head: for the child shall be a Nazarite unto God from the womb: and he shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Philistines.

Samson was a son of prophecy, a Nazarite of God, a child God himself  sent to deliver His people from the hand of the oppressor. 

God so much invested in him with power to the extent no one has never recorded such in the history of man... What a great investment. 

But sadly he misused the grace God gave him, dishonoured his Earthly mentor and went on his own decision to align with the enemy. 

Today, you are the investment of God... The gift, the time, wisdom, knowledge and Understanding He has given you is not just for fun... But for investment. 

How well have you been trading? 

Truly Samson started well, but it was unfortunate he didn't end well, he rather choose to die with the enemy... Such victory is never a victory but failure. 

What have you been doing with the grace God has given you? 

What have you been doing with the gift God has given you? 

Samson got so carried away, blinded by power to the point of neglecting simple instructions... 

Are you not the same?... Just because you are gifted, every other person means nothing to you?.. 

Just because you can prophecy and see visions, you suddenly become unapproachable... 

Always remember how Samson fell. 

Always remember it's an investment... God will ask from you, how well you have traded... 

It's God's investment, it was never luck.. 

It's God's investment, it was never your hard work.. 

God who made man to eat grass for 7 years   can make the wise foolish in a second. 

Humble yourself at the feet of Jesus Christ. 

God bless you.