You are the Virus

2 Corinthians  13:5 Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?

Our God is so pure that He can never be deceived by our fake religious activities, or our makeup services 

Apostle Paul was admonishing the Corinthians, to examine themselves if they were not viruses in the body of Christ 

A virus is a type of microscopic agent that causes an infectious disease, which could lead to death.
Many Christians today are viruses in the church of God that causes infectious diseases among brethren 

Just because the government announce the lockdown, you suddenly increase the prices of your old stock…. You are the virus.

You are the type that spread lies about a fellow in the church of God without proper findings of the truth … you are the virus 

You are the type that find every false means to make money or achieved anything, yet you come to the church and appear as a saint …. You are the Virus 

Instead to stand for/and with God in the office you are, but you join the multitude to do evil… you are the Virus 
As a pastor , prophet , Apostle , GO that deceive members by fabricating false prophecy ,  paying of offerings which are for your own selfish interest , and  declaring the Lord says  when actually God has not spoken…..   Daddy sir, you are the Virus

 You complain of bad Governance, but what you do secretly is worse than what the bad leaders are doing.

2 Corinthians 13:5 says examine yourself, test yourself 

Am I not the hindrance to the growth of the church? 
Am I not the reason heaven is closed upon the children of God just like Achan in the days of Joshua.? 

It is time for you to quarantine yourself in humility with a heart of forgiveness to God and be properly treated by the Holy Ghost.

Unless you do so, you will continually be isolated from the blessings of God.

Change today.
God bless you.