The Faith of the Dead Men.

Daniel 3: 17 – 18 
17. If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us from out of thine hand, o king.
18. But if not, be it known unto you thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship thy golden image which thou hast set up.

Can you imagine that… the 3 Hebrews were so determined on the fact that they will never bow down, nor deny the God they serve even if He refuse to save them.

What a faith in an unseen God?

Do you have such kind of faith?

Is your faith in God not only depends on the goodies you receive from God?

Is your faith not only limited in the good times?
Have you not denied Gods since the beginning of the present Covid 19?

Some people says there is no God, because there is no solution yet.

Is your faith not tied to conditions?

Is your faith not tied to circumstances?

The faith of the 3 Hebrews were the faith of the  dead men… because they believed their God can choose not to save them but still, they will not deny Him.

The kind of faith God requires from every believer

Your faith should not be that of 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes 

It is not the faith that gave Hannah a baby after several years of waiting.

It is not a faith that made Joseph to become the prime minster in a foreign land 

It is not a faith that saved Daniel from the lion’s den

It is not a faith that saved Paul and Silas from the prison

It should be the faith of Abraham, who choose to still scarify his beloved son whom he got after several years of being barren  

God is never interested in our actions but our motives 
What is the 

It should be the faith of Stephen, even when he’s being stoned to death for the Gospel, he choose to still believed and trust this God 

It should be the faith of the thief on the side of Jesus Christ on the cross, who didn’t pray for his deliverance but salvation

He can choose to save you, He can choose not to …
Either ways, it doesn’t make God less powerful 

That’s the mystery of the personality called God. 

He can do and undo 

Your pastor, prophet and Apostle can pray and nothing happens... Then you say your pastor is fake or doesn't have the power of God... 

But do you know... 

It is God that is in the affair of making things happen, not your pastor, prophet, or Apostle.

Do you have that kind of faith?

The faith of the Dead men that lived.

God bless you.