Wilderness Experience

Joshua  1:1 Now after the death of Moses the servant of the LORD it came to pass, that the LORD spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' minister, saying,  1:2 Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel.

Unto every wilderness experience, there must be a Joshua that will survive it. 

His survival is not based on the fact that he must live, but that  he has a purpose to accomplish for God. 

Moving from Egypt to Cannan was not an easy journey 

They have experienced so many difficulties at some point, many died out of disobedience, but in spite all, Joshua survived it. 

With the present global pandemic... 

Many are dead already, many are in critical conditions 

Many are afraid of getting infected 

World leaders are helpless 

The wise men suddenly becomes foolish 

Doctors can no longer heal themselves 

The dead can't be buried as before 

The prophets became blind and 

Visions are lost in space 

But God is preserving some, who will eventually survive this wilderness experience 

That person is you. 

God is not preserving you because you are most righteous, 

He is not preserving you because of your act of service to Him 

Not because you have gone through all the necessary Sanitization processes... 

But because you have a purpose to accomplish 

Joshua's purpose was to reaffirm God's ordinances among the people.. 

He was to lead them in the ways and mind of God 

He was to divide the land accordingly to the children of Israel. 

But first... Joshua confessed after spying the land... That he will survive and take the land of Cannan and it was so. 

You can do the same...    *I confess, I will survive this wilderness of Covid - 19 to declare the glory of God* 

So shall it be. 

Hold your faith still. 

Wilderness experience is just for a little time... It will soon be over. 

God bless you.