Through the Red Sea

Psalms  23:4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

It was a joyful celebration when God delivered the children of Israel form Egypt

But shortly after,  they were faced with more trouble,  which is the Red Sea.

Depression came over them,  they were afraid,  though they prayed earlier,  but latter they pouted

But God cane to their rescue,  mosses gave instructions.

Fear not...   Let nothing win over your Strength

Stand still...  A call from fear to faith

See the salvation of the Lord...  Your same eyes that witnessed bad times,  is still the same that will witness good times God is bringing.

Go forward...  Water was divided,  dry land was provided, 

They made it through...

In every situation you may find yourself,  always remember God is there with you. 

Do you feel trapped in a dangerous place or situation?

Stand still and by faith see the salvation of God

Now go forward..

God bless you.