I am the Door

John  10:7 Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep.

A door is for exiting and entering,  Christ is the door to forgiveness

Those who trust Him exit condemnation
Those who trust Him enter justification

Christ is the door to life

Those who trust Him exit spiritual death
Those who trust Him enter a new life

Christ is the door to heaven

Those who trust Him exit the road to be all
Those who trust Him enter eternal life.

Christ is the only door

There is no other door to forgiveness
There is no other door to new life
There is no other door to heaven
There is no other door to eternal life.

Many try to find other doors:
Religious door ::: baptism,  communion,  church membership

Financial doors::: giving to churches or charities

Doors of personal merit: good works,  honesty etc

Cultic doors::: false Christ,  false doctrines

All of this fail,  Christ alone is the door

Christ is the door for all who Believes,  the invitation is for all, 
The door is open for all who wish to enter

Those who enter this door find salvation.
Those who enter this door are in the sheepfold.
Those who enter this door are satisfied.

Reject all falsely labelled doors
Come to Christ as you are,  a sinner
Christ awaits you,  don't delay. 

God bless you.