God left without notice

Judges  16:20 And she said, The Philistines be upon thee, Samson. And he awoke out of his sleep, and said, I will go out as at other times before, and shake myself. And he wist not that the LORD was departed from him.

This was the story of Samson,  the powerful,  strong man in His days,  a man God empowered from birth,
A man God raised to deliver the Israelites from the philistines, 

A man God raised as a judge of His people

But at a time,  He derailed from the part which God has set his foot on,  He lust away after the pleasure  of his enemy,  and definitely God's enemy. 

A powerful and strong man latter become prey and powerless, 

He was not conscious enough God had left Him. 

So also today,  many are times we thought God is with us,  but lo,  He has left a long time ago, 

Things may still go as normal, miracles may still be happening,  your gift may still be in action,  but you never know,  God has left without a notice

Before Samson could noticed,  it was too late. 

Has God not departed from you too,  has His glory not left you also without a notice?

Make an assessment today',  If God is still with you. 

You will not become a prey to your enemy in Jesus name. 

God bless you