The Living Water

John  7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

This is an invitation of Jesus to those desiring the Holy Spirit

"if any man thirst"

The invitation was not to those who have prayed and fasted long enough

It is not to those who have prayed through  or Loud enough

Not to those who have repeated  phrases of praises enough

Not to those who have recently taken the sacrament.

But to those who are thirsty.

How wonderful to express it...

Some may not know how to get religious enough

Some might not be bale to reform enough

Some might not understand theology enough

But everyone knows how it feels to be thirsty

Do you thirst to know that the guilt is gone?

Do you thirst to know that the record is clean?

Do you thirst for fellowship with God?

Do you thirst to know more of God?

Then come,  to Jesus...

He will make in you,  fountain that flows.

Not like the dead sea,  but a great river

Not like a swamp,  but a refreshing stream.

A fountain that the fruit of the spirit will flow in

Faith will flow,  power to witness  will flow,  and the compassion of Christ will flow.

Do you thirst???

Will you come to Jesus and drink?

He is waiting for you. 

God bless you.