Men on fire

Daniel  3:27 And the princes, governors, and captains, and the king's counsellors, being gathered together, saw these men, upon whose bodies the fire had no power, nor was an hair of their head singed, neither were their coats changed, nor the smell of fire had passed on them.

This was the story of the three Hebrews in a strange land cast into the fire because they refuse to deny their God by not bowing down to the king's graven image.

They were  very different

They regard not the king nor his gods,  nor his golden image

Our Lord was different  too,  he was righteous in this sinful world,  He was light on a dark planet,  and His teaching demanded a different lifestyle

We are to be different,  changed by the power of the Gospel

They were daring,  they took their stand,  they risk positions,  job,  and friends

They were dedicated to God's word for safety...

But even if He won't save them,  they will still not deny Him...

You may be angry with God because He has not come through, 

Because He did not save your marriage
Because He did not heal you
Because He did not rescue your home from trouble and pain
Because He did not yet provide job
Because He has not yet saved your children
Because He has not yet given you a child of your own

But notice their total  commitment

They were  like job,  "though He slay me,  yet will I trust Him"  Job 13:15

Just like Leah shaibu in the hands of bokoharam,  even in the face of death she's still taking her stand

They were eventually delivered,  Jesus Walked with them in the fire,  only the ropes burned off,  the smell of fire was not on them,  not even their hair was singed


Because they were already on fire

You can't claim you are burning for God until the fire of the enemy has to impact on you. 

Wanted: Men of fire,  and not men of pleasure

Are you on fire for God?

God bless you.