The wrath of God

Romans  1:18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;

God's love is beyond our knowledge,  yet His wrath  is beyond our comprehension

The wrath of God is real,  the Bible declares it,  Jesus warned : flee from the  wrath to come"

The wrath of God  abides on those who reject Christ

The wrath of God is revealed In the flood (Gen. 6-8
The wrath was revealed in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen. 19)

The wrath was revealed against the nations, 
Against Israel in sin at Sinai
Against wicked Gentile nations. 

The wrath of God was revealed at the cross while Jesus took our place to save us from that wrath

God's wrath is also reserved on anyone who refuse to turn from their wicked ways. 

The wrath of God is real,  no sinner can escape it,  except he/she repent.

Check the life you are living now,  hope u are not inviting the wrath of God?

Flee now to Christ,  and escape the wrath to come.

Jesus will receive You just as You are. 

God bless you