God doesn't waist resources

John  6:12 When they were filled, he said unto his disciples, Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost.

After about five  thousand souls has been feed conformably,  Jesus told the disciples to gather up the left over, 

One would imagine why Jesus  gave the directive, 

1. Before it became many,  it was the best resources they could get. 

2. It will definitely satisfy the soul of many who were not present among the crowd

3. It is a blessing to the family of the boy that gave at first.

Why then do you waist God's resources,?

Why are you living your life as if you are the only one that owns the world?

The reason some people are not blessed more than what they have now  is just because they cannot manage God's blessing

Check your life,  actions and reactions towards God's blessing in your life..

Are u using them for the right purpose or the other way round?

God's anger is always on those who mismanage His blessings.  

God bless you.