Guilty Conscience

Psalms  32:2 Blessed is the man unto whom the LORD imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile.

Guilt is the fact or condition of having Committed an offense,  especially a willful vision of a legal or moral code.

This willful violation of moral integrity brings deep feelings of remorse

You may feel guilty because you are guilty.

David felt guilty because of his sins (vv3-4)

Lets admit that we are all guilty before God, 

Guilt feelings can have a positive effect

They are like the warning signs of cancer
They are like pains that warn of a serious problem
They may come from an awakened conscience
They may result from the conviction of the Holy Spirit

You may feel guilty because you have not been forgiven

David felt as though God was against him,  before confessing his sins

Forgiveness was available to David,  but he had not accepted it.

Our forgiveness depends on accepting God's gracious offer to sinners

Even grace does not force forgiveness on us.

You can be free from Guilt by accepting forgiveness

Sins confessed are sins forgiven

Why remain a prisoner of past Sins?
Bring your sins to the one who died for sinners
You don't have to feel guilty anymore. 

Jesus Christ is waiting.  Don't delay. 

God bless you