Spiritually Infant

1 Corinthians  3:1 And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ.  
3:2 I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able.

An infant is a very young human being, from birth to somewhere between six months and two years of age, needing almost constant care and/or attention

So also in a spiritual settings,  we have many christians who are still infants, (babes in Christ) even though it's been years they accepted Christ . 

Spiritual infant is concerned with self rather than service 

An infant is upset over the  smallest things (especially when corrected) 

Some Christians have to be handled with kid gloves 

They wear their feelings on their sleeves 

They are like bombs... Always ready to explode 

At church extra nice,  but at home explosive 

At church she's ideal,  but at home impossible 

At church he's always praising,  but at home pouting 

At church he's Mr. Good,  but at home Mr Grouch 

At church she's an example,  but at home exasperating 

The infant is a receiver... And not a giver 

The spiritual infant examine everything as receiver 

The spiritual infant is concerned with argument rather than action 

The spiritual infant looks to people rather than the master 

They only believe the words of their so called mentor,  father in the Lord,  General overseas and consider words of others as invalid. 

They believe,  trust and accept whatever their mentor does to them,  even if it is a sin or against the principle of Christ 

Spiritual infant always believe their church is the most Holy,  so,  need for separation 

The Spiritual infant looks to human resources,  the person that led them to Christ,  the Evangelist who preached a special sermon,  

They can travel many miles to hear a singer,  a preacher,  a program... But can't get to an evening service or prayer meeting. 

Isn't it time to grow up? ... 

Spiritual infants needs to look to Christ 

Spiritual infants needs to start building up 

Spiritual infants needs to start growing 

They need to feed on the true word of God (The Bible,  without misinterpretation) 

Any man than remains at the stage of infant after so many years is considered abnormal,  imbecile,  and a disgrace to the mother. 

Check your life,  the years you have accepted Christ,,, are there no trait of infancy in you? 

If there are any,  it is time for you to grow up. 

You must not remain infant forever.... 

God works more with grown ups and not those that needs babysitter... 

Grow up.  

God bless you.