Goodness in honour

Proverbs  21:21 He that followeth after righteousness and mercy findeth life, righteousness, and honour.

Sometimes we find ourselves in a world  overshadowed by chaos and darkness, the pursuit of goodness can seem impossible. However, Proverbs reassures us that goodness is not only attainable but also intertwined with honor. Let us delve deeper into the meaning of this scripture and its implications for our lives.

Firstly, what does it mean to pursue righteousness and kindness? Righteousness encompasses moral integrity, adherence to principles of justice, and living in alignment with God's will. Kindness, on the other hand, involves compassion, empathy, and acts of benevolence towards others. Together, these virtues form the foundation of a life well-lived, reflecting the divine qualities instilled within each of us.

The pursuit of righteousness and kindness requires deliberate action. It calls us to be proactive in our efforts to uphold what is right and to extend kindness to those around us, even in the face of adversity. It challenges us to resist the temptations of selfishness and apathy, instead choosing the path of selflessness and compassion.

But why does Proverbs promise life, righteousness, and honor to those who pursue goodness? Life, in this context, is not merely existence but a life imbued with meaning, purpose, and fulfillment.

 Righteousness brings inner peace and harmony with oneself and with God. And honor, the culmination of goodness, is not merely a worldly recognition but a divine commendation—a testament to the integrity and nobility of one's character.

In a world often preoccupied with material wealth, power, and fame, the true measure of a person's worth lies not in their possessions or accomplishments but in their character. 

Goodness is the essence of true honor, for it reflects the very nature of God, who is the epitome of goodness and righteousness.

As we strive to embody goodness in our daily lives, let us remember that our actions have the power to impact not only ourselves but also those around us. 

Let us be beacons of light in a world darkened by hatred and division. Let us cultivate a culture of kindness, compassion, and justice, where goodness is revered and honored above all else.

In conclusion, let us heed the wisdom of Proverbs 21:21 and embark on the journey of righteousness and kindness. For in doing so, we not only find life, righteousness, and honor but also become vessels of God's love and grace in the world. May goodness be our guide, and may honor be our reward. Amen.

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of your word today in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, grant me the grace to pursue goodness in all I do in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, make me a vessel of your love in this world in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.