God of all grace

1 Peter  5:10 But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.

 Grace is not just one of God’s attributes but the totality of  His very nature. Grace is God’s unmerited favor, His kindness extended to us not because of who we are, but because of who He is.

Our world may be characterized by judgment and merit, God’s grace stands as a beacon of hope. It means that our worth is not tied to our achievements or failures but to God's love and mercy. God’s grace is sufficient for all our needs, cutting across every aspect of our lives, from our initial salvation to our daily struggles.

It is through this grace we are called into His internal glory through Christ Jesus. This calling is not just an invitation; it is a profound summons from the Creator of the universe to partake in His divine life. It is a calling to live in the light of His glory, both now and forever. 

Our calling is rooted in Christ. It is through Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection that we are brought into this relationship with God. The eternal glory we are called to is a reflection of Christ’s own glory, a glory that surpasses all earthly suffering and pain.

From our scripture text, Peter does not shy away from the reality of suffering. He acknowledges that we will suffer “for a little while.” This suffering is part of our journey in a fallen world, but it is temporary. It serves a purpose in God's divine plan, refining our faith and drawing us closer to Him.

Suffering is not easy, and it can often feel overwhelming. Yet, in the midst of our trials, we are assured that they are fleeting compared to the eternal glory that awaits us. Our suffering, while real, is not the final word. God’s grace is sufficient to sustain us through our darkest hours.

Finally, Peter offers a promise of restoration: “God will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.” This is a powerful declaration of God’s personal involvement in our lives. He does not delegate this task to others; He Himself takes on the work of restoration.

God’s restoration is comprehensive. He strengthens us, giving us the resilience to withstand future trials. He makes us firm, grounding us in His truth. He makes us steadfast, giving us the perseverance to keep moving forward in our faith journey. This promise is not just for our future glory but is also active in our present struggles.

In conclusion, as a believer, we must always appreciate the immeasurable grace of God. He is the source of all grace, calling us to His eternal glory in Christ. Though we may suffer for a time, His promise to restore, strengthen, and establish us is steadfast.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord thank you for thr blessing of your word today in Jesus Christ name

2. Lord, thank you for your grace through which you have called me into your eternal glory.

3. Lord, as you have promised, strengthen me and many others who are facing one trial or the other in life journey in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen