Rebuke the storm

Mark  4:39 And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.

After a long day of ministerial work, Jesus beckoned on the disciple to go over the other side of the town, and the only means of transportation is to go by the sea. 

Not long while on the journey there arose a great storm of wind, it troubled the water and its waves beat into the ship (Mark 4:37)

Everyone should have thought that the wind should have respected Jesus who has power over every elements of earth (air, water, fire), at least for the main time Jesus would travel on the sea. 

Trouble came, the disciples were afraid, nobody wants to die, at instance they knew they have Jesus, but yet the presence of Jesus is not enough for them not to be afraid. 

Jesus latter came to their rescue, challenged them of their lack of faith, rebook the storm and declare peace unto the sea. 

Dear reader, now here is the lesson. 

First, the sea didn't just start to trouble the boat Jesus boarded, it was influenced by an unseen forces called "storm", storm cannot be seen but needed a physical element to work in a physical realm... 

Have you ever wondered why your husband behave the way he does?, have you ever wondered why your child suddenly becomes wayward and ungodly despite  sound teaching of the word? 

Have you ever wondered why your kind hearted boss at work suddenly becomes harsh and difficult? 

They are all influenced by an unseen spirit in the spiritual realm to cause panic and trouble in your life, marriage, relationships, education, business etc. 

Jesus challenged the disciples of their lack of faith, why?, because at that point, they ought to have grown in spirit, He emphasize on the fact that their faith level still reads 'zero'.. Jesus made them to understand that the only weapon that can fight the spiritual forces that works in physical realm is FAITH. 

No wonder the book of Hebrew explains in details that  Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews  11:1, meaning that faith is an unseen spirit that also works on the spirit. 

You do not need to  run from pillar to post, seeking deliverance, as a child of God, you have the power in you, if you can exercise your faith in Him. 

The disciples ran to Christ because they have the physical presence of God with them and even they are yet to be rooted in faith. 

Today, you have the presence of God living inside you as soon as you accept Christ as your lord and personal saviour and the Holy spirit dwell in you. With this and your faith, you can rebuke any storm fighting again your peace. 

Jesus rebuke the the unseen spirit(strom). And declare peace unto the physical element(water), do you see the difference between the two?,  

When you have rift with your husband, all you do is to rebuke  your husband with all manner of curses , whereas the spiritual force that overpowered your husband is left untouched... 

You need to rebuke the spirit of anger, hatred, adultery, fornication, alcohol, masturbation, hatred, greediness, etc and declare peace unto your husband, boss, children, career, business etc.  Until then you can have calmness and deliverance. 

Rebuke the storm and declare peace unto the sea.

God bless you. 

Prayer key :

1. Lord, thank you for another day like this in Jesus name. 

2. Lord, I rebuke every spirit of fear in me in Jesus name. 

3., Lord, I rebuke every spiritual forces fighting against my marriage, business, ministry and life in Jesus name. 

4. Thank you for answered prayer in Jesus name. Amen.