You are Unique

Psalms  139:14  I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

No one is you,  because you are the only one in existence,  the only edition of your specie

You need to to follow another man's dream,  God has created you in a different way, 

The purpose of your existence is already in the word of God,  and in you.  You need not to copy others. 

Live the life you are are created to live,  and you will never get lost in the crowd

When you believe that someone else is better than you,  you are actually making God a partial God. 

Always remember,  the best, people become,  is the best they are created for,  your best is in you,  different from others.  Look into it,  and launch it out

God bless you real good.