The Church continued Praying

Acts  12:5 Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him.

King Herod arrested Paul and placed him in the most secured  prison ever, but it was recorded the church were fervently praying for him. 

The story changes today,  instead of the church to pray for members of the church arrested,  or in afflictions,  the church kept on making up unnecessary stories and complains

The church then,  prayed all night through for breakthrough,  but today the churches sleeps and slumber

In other scenario,  for a member of the church to fall into sin,  instead of encouraging and bringing the fellow back to Track, the church condemns the fellow,  even many separated and isolate  themselves  from them.

For the Bible says there is every possibility that temptations will come,  but today the church sees temptations as bus stop for salvation.

It is only whose sin is revealed that is called a sinner,  others are regarded as righteous and Saint. 

The church can do more than complaining of being persecuted,  for the Lord had said it will happen

The church can do more than making up stories on the media

The church can do more in prayers and fasting for every afflicted

The church can do more in bringing the lost,  the tempted, the sinner back to Track. 

That is the commission God has given us. 

The church start with you and I ,  and not the building.

You can do more than  gossip, 

You can do more than living a self righteous life. 

Let's all be committed is saving the dying,  persecuted and the tempted. 

God bless you.