They begged Him to depart.

Matthew 8:34 And, behold, the whole city came out to meet Jesus: and when they saw him, they besought him that he would depart out of their coasts.

After Jesus has done a great miracle in the land of Gadarenes, by healing a man possessed with devils. the people begged Jesus to leave their coast.

These are the sets of people who prefer their business more than the salvation of the man

These are people care not for life of this man,  rather the lives of their pigs

They beckoned on Him to depart from their coast.

In what way are you sending Jesus away out of your life, ?

by your character?

by your behaviour?

By the lust of the world?

By the pleasure of  sin? etc.

Do you not also value your work more than your salvation?

Do you not also value your material wealth more than the salvation of your soul?

Do you not also value your wisdom and knowledge more than God the giver?

God loved you and will always love you.

Have  u sent Him away or u are sending Him away.?

Have a second thought and bring Jesus back into your life.

A Life without Christ is full of Crises.

God bless you.