JESUS CHRIST ; The Perfect Ransom

Mathew 27:1-50

The Arrest

The blindfolding and mockery

The scourge

The Roman flogging

The Crown of thorns

The heavy beam Cross on his shoulder

The nail on both hands nailed to the Cross

The nail on both legs

The arrow on His sides

The agony of pain, blood shed and flesh torn

His cry " My God, My God, why have you forsaken me"

He said..


He was wounded for our transgressions and gave himself a ransom for many,

He was bruised for our iniquities

Him who had no sin God made to be sin for us

He died forsaken, that we might never be forsaken,

The chastisement of our peace was upon him,
and with his stripes we are healed.

thus we are redeemed by the sufferings of Christ.

All this must not go in vain in your life .

No matter the level of the sin u might have committed, Christ still says come into me.

Repent today and register your name in d book of life .

God bless you.