
Revenge is Any form of personal retaliatory action against an individual, institution, or group for some perceived harm or injustice.

Do you need to take Revenge ?

What has people done to you , that would make you take Revenge ?

Revenge is commuting sin as making an offence in the first place

Revenge always come with a heart of hatred ,

Revenge will incur more injury to the wound already created .

The best Revenge is massive success .

Joseph said to his brothers ..Genesis 45:5 Now do not be upset or blame yourselves because you sold me here. It was really God who sent me ahead of you to save people's lives

The best revenge is to be unlike him
who performed the injury.

Always have the heart to forgive , no matter what .

Forgive and forget .

God hates revenge,  and it is a sin to Him

God  bless you.