The best is yet to come

 1 Peter  5:10 But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.

There is suffering now,  no one can deny the fact, 

We suffer because we are part of a fallen race

We suffer because of the attacks of the adversary,  the roaring lion seeking whole to devour,  persecution of believers through centuries...

What is your present area of suffering?  Sickness,  lack of money,  unemployment,  barrenness,  unable to marry,  etc.

God's grace will be sufficient for you.

There will be glory later

After you have suffered a while,  there is a time limit on every suffering, 

Our future is as bright as the promises of God

In our suffering God is preparing us for Glory.

He is perfecting (Maturing)  us

He is establishing us (building our faith)

He is strengthening us

He is placing us on a firm foundation.

The suffering now cannot be compared with the glory latter. 

Don't loose hope

Don't loose focus

Don't breakdown

Your victory is at the door.

Trust in God,  and He will not put you to shame, because the best is yet to come.

God bless you.