Strength to serve God first

Matthew  6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Serving God first is prioritising God, His will, His decisions, His guiding and His instructions above ourselves. It is placing Jon ahead of us while we follow from behind. 

Abraham, known as the father of faith, displayed unwavering devotion to God even in the face of daunting challenges. When God called him to leave his homeland and journey to a new land, 

Abraham obeyed without hesitation, trusting in the Lord's promises. Despite the uncertainties and trials along the way, Abraham remained steadfast in his commitment to God, demonstrating that true strength lies in surrendering to divine will.

Joseph, too, exemplified the strength to serve God first. Sold into slavery by his own brothers and unjustly imprisoned, Joseph could have succumbed to bitterness and despair. Yet, he remained faithful to God, using his gifts of interpretation and administration to serve others, even in the midst of adversity. Through divine providence, Joseph rose to prominence in Egypt, ultimately saving his family and countless others from famine.

Both Abraham and Joseph faced trials that tested their faith and resolve. Yet, through it all, they prioritized their service to God above their own desires and ambitions. Their lives remind us that true strength is not found in earthly power or success, but in wholeheartedly dedicating ourselves to God's purposes.

In our own lives, we too are called to prioritize serving God above all else. This may require sacrificing our comfort, ambitions, and even relationships at times. But like Abraham and Joseph, when we place God first, we discover a strength that sustains us through every trial and tribulation.

Seeking first the kingdom of God means seeking first everything about God, that he wants for us, then all other thing that we want for ourselves which are not destructive will be grant unto us. 

Let us therefore strive to emulate the faithfulness of Abraham and Joseph, surrendering our will to God's and finding our strength in serving Him wholeheartedly. It is in serving God first that we find true fulfillment and eternal rewards.

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessings of your word today in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, grant me the strength to serve you first in all my ways in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, grant be the courage and conviction to follow the example of thr fathers of faith who never gave up serving you first in their life, in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.