kepp thy heart will all diligence

Proverbs  4:23 Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

King Solomon imparts a profound lesson that resonates across time and generations. He urges us to guard our hearts with utmost care, to be diligent in protecting the inner core of our being. 

Our hearts are not merely the physical organ that pumps blood, but the seat of our emotions, thoughts, and desires. They shape our decisions, actions, and ultimately, the path our lives take.

The word "keep" signifies an active and intentional effort. It's not enough to simply let life happen to us; we are called to actively guard against negative influences that may infiltrate our hearts. 

The world around us bombards us with distractions, temptations, and negative influences. It's our responsibility to filter what enters our hearts, allowing only that which uplifts, inspires, and aligns with our values.

Why is this important? Because "out of [the heart] are the issues of life." Our attitudes, our words, and our actions flow from our hearts. A heart that harbours bitterness, anger, or deceit will manifest in unkindness, conflict, and dishonesty. But a heart cultivated with love, compassion, and integrity will bear the fruits of empathy, understanding, and righteousness.

In this digital age, it's even more crucial to be vigilant. Social media, news, and entertainment can easily shape our perceptions and attitudes. We must ask ourselves: Is what we're consuming nurturing our hearts or poisoning them? Are we allowing negativity to fester, or are we seeking positivity and growth?

Practicing diligence involves self-awareness and introspection. Regularly examine your heart's condition. Are you holding onto grudges? Are you allowing envy to take root? Are you nurturing a spirit of gratitude and contentment? The path of diligence requires us to make conscious choices about the content we consume, the company we keep, and the thoughts we entertain.

Let's heed Solomon's timeless advice: "Keep thy heart with all diligence." It's a call to action, a reminder that our hearts are precious and deserve our utmost care. 

By guarding our hearts, we ensure that the wellspring of our lives flows with goodness, kindness, and purpose. May we strive daily to cultivate hearts that reflect the light and love that we were created to embody.

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, help me to guide my heart with all diligence in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, keep my heart away from all evil in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name.