Beware of covetousness

Luke  12:15 And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.

Covetousness, often referred to as 'the root of sin,' originates in the heart's desire to sin before manifesting in actions. While it might not appear as severe as outward sins, it's incredibly harmful, as it gives rise to various other sins. It emerges when we desire something belonging to someone else and wish to possess it instead.

Today, covetousness poses a significant issue in society, even prophesied as a sin of the last days.

It's prevalent in churches and among Christians, revealing the selfish motivation behind it. Self-centeredness drives this sin, stemming from a selfish heart.

Covetousness also results from misunderstanding the spiritual importance of life, as seen in Luke 12:15. The parable following this verse demonstrates the folly of materialism and the loss of sight of eternal life.

The dangers of covetousness include deception, dominance, and destruction. It can mislead us, control us, and ruin us. Scriptures highlight how covetousness led to the downfall of individuals like Achan, David, Ahab, Ananias, Sapphira, and Lot.

To be free from covetousness, contentment is key. Finding contentment in Christ eradicates this sin. Jesus is the source of contentment, offering a remedy to covetousness.

Express gratitude for what you have in Christ, for true richness comes from Him.

May God bless you.


1. Thank you, Lord, for all in Jesus Christ's name.

2. Forgive my covetousness, Lord, in Jesus Christ's name.

3. Grant me a spirit of contentment, Lord, in Jesus Christ's name.

4. Thank you for answering prayers in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.