The virtue of patient

James  5:7 Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain.

One moment of patience may prevent disaster; one moment of impatience may ruin a life.

Just like a law enforcement officer who asked a driver to stop... Even if the driver has all documents required to drive on the road but chooses not to wait... That moment the driver has committed a crime..

In like manner God at some particular  junctions of our  life, he has instructed us to be patient and wait for His next direction, but our impatient spirit couldn't let us wait... Which later resulted into disaster at the end

We may have every document to drive like the driver, we may have practiced holiness best to our ability, but yet God says it's not time for u to get out of that situation 

We may have fasted and prayed for a particular job, but yet God says your job is still on its way... U need more time to wait.

So many times we see ourselves as a devoted child of God and expect our life to be on the speed Lane, but the revers is the case. He is not wicked, he's only telling us to wait and be patient.

Most time we wish what we needed to be done tommorow should have been done yesterday but he's voice says be patient.

Patience is accepting a difficult situation without giving God a deadline to remove it.

The journey of our life can not always have the green light from God, some times the yellow and the Red.

The roads are most time filled up with potholes thereby Him(God) telling us to slow down in other not to damage the vehicle of our life.

If you speed up when God is telling you to wait... The devil will take you far than you you wish  to go, and waste  your time more than you could have waited.

Wait and be patient with God... His timing is always the  best.

God bless you.