A little crack in the wall

1 Peter  5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

It always come unnoticed ,
A little crack gives way for a lizard to penetrate in . if control measure not taken , it will become the source of collapse for the building

In one's life , a little crack can give the devil a chance to come in, once the devil penetrates, it becomes very difficult to amend .

A little crack can cost you your family

A little crack can cost you your career

A little crack can cost you your destiny

A little crack can cost you your life .

Where is your family Alta!?
Where is the gift God gave you.?
Where is your love for Christ?

If you give devil a chance , he will destroy you more than you can imagine .

Repair the little  crack in the wall today before it becomes uncontrollable.

God bless you