The Derailing Ministers of the Gospel

2 Timothy  3:8 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.  3:9 But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was.

Judas Iscariot was the first to derail among the desciple... He was after prosperity.. But couldn't live to spend the money.

When you see the following signs... Know for sure your pastor/prophet/ Apostle or mentor is derailing.

👉When your pastor preaches more of prosperity rather than salvation.  (prosperity is good,  but Jesus said seek ye first the kingdom of God...)

👉When your pastor promotes entertainment,  comedies,  rather than spirit filled worship, praise  and prayer.(for Jesus said,  my house shall be called the house of prayer)

👉When your pastor keep building cathedrals but take less in the business of building the Saint.

👉When your pastor cannot correct you for the wrong you did,  just as not to offend you. 

👉When your pastor preaches,  but does the opposite.

👉When your prophet sees material things as the glory of God.. (material things are perishable and can never be the glory of God)

👉When your pastor teaches philosophy and psychologies  rather than the teaching of Christ and  HolyGhost

👉When your pastor will  begin to say "It doesn't matter,  even God understand"

👉When your pastor is more interested in your Tithes,  offerings,  firstfruits,  gift offerings,  sacrificial offerings, seed sowing,  seed of  blessings etc,  rather than the salvation of your soul. 

👉When your pastor begin to praise  himself and self worth,  rather than God the sender. 

👉When your pastor boast of his gift,  rather than acknowledging God the gift giver (James 1:17)

👉When your Prophet, Pastor, or Apostle thinks his grace is above sin

Luke  21:31 So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand.

The devil never sleep nor slumber,  deceiving the elect with the merriment,  pleasures and satisfaction of this world. ...  But many of these  churches are not aware. 

God never change,  so also His standard and principle.  You can have doctrines and principles for your church, but the standard of God remains. 

Check your church,  your pastor,  and yourself so as not to derial into Hell in the name of being religious.

God bless you.