Do not be disconnected

Matthew  14:29 And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.  14:30 But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.

Jesus was walking on the sea of a new day, Peter, one of the desciple beckoned to join him on the sea...

It was very easy for Jesus to accept His plea,

Peter was the desciple of Christ who always wish to act like Jesus, do all things like Jesus, even to die with Him.

No doubt he can become such. Just as Christ said more than He did, we will do more.

At the instance Peter the desciple lost focus on Jesus, he started sinking....

There must have been a connection created by Jesus that connect through Peter which makes him to walk on water.

 The reason for Peter loosing focus on Jesus could not be known, but can be derived from the following fact.

1. Being proud... That yes.. He can walk on water and other desciple could not.

2. Fear, as a result of waves of the sea.

There are many things you can do this year,
There are greater things you can achieve this year
There are far distance of success you can cover  this year,

Only if you are not disconnected from Him who can give you strength. Because you can only do all things through Him that strengthen you.

Do not think in your own wisdom that you have made it this year, and in the process make others intimidated.

Do not be carried away by the wind and storm of this year... They are just but for a little time.

Try every possible means not to be disconnected for Christ Jesus no matter what comes way this year.

God bless you.

Have a great day.