Righteousness or Reproach?

Proverbs  14:34 Righteousness exalt a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.

What builds up a nation is righteousness, Political leaders usually prescribe a military force,  a strong economy and the development resources,  improvement of education and technology.

Righteousness is a nation's greatest treasurer,  righteous living determines a nation's destiny

Sin brings down any nation,  when they refuse to glorify God and be thankful, 

When they chose idolatry over true worship

When they practiced violent,  deceitful,  and proud,  when they choose selfishness and greediness. 

Sin brought to he downfall of many once-proud empires

The Babylonian Empire

The Medo-Persian and Grecian Empire

The Romans Empire

Neither nation nor individuals can sin and win (number 32:23)

How can we make a difference today?

National exaltation depends on how individual citizens live, 

A nation is blessed by righteous citizens so also a  nation's is disgraced by unrighteous citizens

Righteousness is not legislated but lived out by individuals,

How we live makes a difference for the future of our country

A call to persuade na Holiness.

A call to search our Hearts

A call for confession of sin and full surrender (1john 1:9)

If we want a better nation,  it begins with you and i living a righteous life.

God bless you.