Displaced to be placed

Numbers  14:8 If the LORD delight in us, then he will bring us into this land, and give it us; a land which floweth with milk and honey.

The land of Cannan which was a promised land to the Israelite was fully occupied by giant and great men.

But that never stop God from displacing them and placing His own people there .

It doesn't  matter if your promise land has been occupied ,

It doesn't  matter if the place you ought to work has no vacancy.

It doesn't matter if your supposed husband or wife (the will of God) is currently in a relatiohip

What needs to be done is God to displace some for you to be placed.

Remember :

Saul was displaced for David to be placed.

Vashti was displaced for Easter to be placed.etc

As long as you remain In God, you can never be put of place.

I pray for you this morning, everyone needed to be displaced for you to be placed , God will displace them in Jesus name.

Have a great day.