Plant now, Harvest latter

Ecclesiastes  3:2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

King Solomon in one of his books enphasize the importance of time and it's purpose.

There is time for everything, but most of we contemporary Christians often misuse and abuse this time.

Many of us have decree and declare blessing into our lives this new year... But the Truth is, if you don't work... Blessing may not come.

Many people are waiting for prophets to prophesize into their lives, thereby thinking they are carying automatic blessing through the new year....

Alas.. Don't be deceived... For the prophecies to come to pass... You must work.. The Bible says Fairh without work is dead.

This is the begining of the new year... Plant a seed now... Or more...  water it, prune it and come back latter for harvest

Any farmer that wants to harvest without planting is surely a thief...

If you wish to harvest this year... What  have you planted last year?.

Don't live your life on "I receive, I recieve" ... Live your life on "God I have sowed.."

God bless the works of your hand not the prayers of your mouth.

For you to have a full harvest at the end of the year... Plant something now.

Don't be like the foolish...

Be wise.
 God bless you