Your Habit

Jeremiah  22:21 I spake unto thee in thy prosperity; but thou saidst, I will not hear. This hath been thy manner from thy youth, that thou obeyedst not my voice.

Successful people are always creatures of habit,  someone like David did not just know how to protect the land of Israel from war,  he stated as a tender young Shepherd protecting the sheep.

Your habits determine your future.  Psychologist estimate that 90 percent of your behaviour is habitual.

Habits can help you do things more quickly and remove mental clutter so that you can think about more important things.

But they can also be detrimental and lead you in a direction that is put out of line of your dream. 

Think about the person who dreams of winning an Olympic gold medal in the marathon,  but smokes two packs of cigarette a day.

Habits have cumulative effect,  and often the results don't show up until later in life.

If your habits are bad,  by the time the damage is evident,  it's too late to alter your result,

that's why you need to control your habit, now unless you are willing to confront the habits you need to change,  and institute new ones,  You can stand on 101 different scriptures,  claiming God's promises   but you will get nowhere.

God bless you.