A Church and not a Club house

Matthew  21:12 And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, 

21:13 And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.

The temple of God,  the church is regarded as the house of prayer,  a place of gathering of the saints to have a communal meeting with the lord. 

But it is so sad today that the  church of God has  changed its purpose and appearances.

Jesus walking in the temple noticed the changes,  people buying and selling,  exchanging money and doing  all sort of atrocities....  He never think twice,  cast them out and return the church to her normal state. 

The church is no difference today,  you cannot differentiate a church to a club house...

A place to be called a house of prayer has become a comedy centre.

A place to unite the saint has become a house to celebrate sinfulness and wickedness.

A place where there is no restriction  to the kind of cloths you put on... Many dressing indecently and we are conformable with it. 

Many churches today has become business centre where you invest as a pastor in other to solve your financial problems. 

A church has become a place where you cover your sins of the past and present instead of confession and being renewed.

The church today has become object of mockery by the unbelievers just because of the atrocities being committed..

Know today that Jesus will purge you out of the temple of God.

God will pour out His consuming  fire,  to consume every atrocities being committed

The time has come when God will expose every members and ministers who hide under the name of Christ to commit more sin and fail to repent.

The church of God is a house of prayer and not a Club house,  not an entertainment center,  not a business center...

Are you not one of the money changers in the church today?, 

Are you not one of the comedians in the church today?

Are you not one of them that has turn the church of God to the house of an harlot as a result of your indecent dressing?

Are you one of the minsters that has turn the church to a money making machine? 

Repent now,  before the wrath of God meetup with you 

The fire of God is moving around the churches,  don't be consumed by it. 

Repent now,  tomorrow may be too late. 

Your sins will find you out.

God bless you. .