Become a Gracious Receiver

Matthew  10:8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.

Jesus commanded us to give and receive,  there must be a healthy balance between both. 

His command to give challenges our innate selfishness.  His command to receive keeps us realistic about our personal limitations.l, Our dependence On God and others

For some of us,  receiving is harder than giving,  we have no trouble giving insights,  giving hope,  giving encouragement,  giving advice,  giving support,  giving money,  even given ourselves.

But our greatest challenge is learning to become gracious receivers.  By receiving,  we acknowledge our need of others and that's hard on our ego. 

Yet it is receiving that show the giver they have something worth giving.,  we add value to their lives. 

It is in the eyes of the receiver that the giver discovers their worth.

Receiving is an art,  it allows others to become part of our lives.

No matter the high level you may attain,  do not despise anything given to you,  it may not look big,  but it's their best they can afford. 

God bless you.