Joseph's principle

Genesis  41:51 And Joseph called the name of the firstborn Manasseh: For God, said he, hath made me forget all my toil, and all my father's house.

Joseph was thirty when he became governor of Egypt,  He was seventeen when he was sold to slavery.
For  thirteen years he dealt with pain and confusion,  maintained his character and his commitment to God,  and allows his trials to make him triumphant.
Joseph didn't simply forget what happened,  anybody who tells you,  "just forget it"  isn't living in the real world.  It happened,  but God can use it to enrich your life

God gave joseph two sons,  he named them Manasseh,  which means 'God made me forget',  and Ephraim,  which means 'God made me fruitful' 

God gave joseph new relationships to replace the old ones. 

One reason why old relationship may be destroying you is that you haven't replaced them with new ones. 

You're hanging out with the wrong reminders.  God helped Joseph to forget the pain of what happened,  He still had the memory.  But he prospered in spite of it. 

When you walk with God,  the promise before you is always greater than the pain behind you. 
Here are Joseph's principles.

Don't try to ignore or pretend it never happened,  God will give you the grace to handle it.  Not deny it.

Believe that God can make up to you,  the time,  the relationships and the opportunities you've lost, 

List three people who've wronged you,  forgive them  and release them to God in prayer

Tell God you're ready to start over.  And start today.

God bless you.