Grace Agent

Genesis  6:8 But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.

What does Grace do?
1. Grace saves when others
are being destroyed.

2. It brings favour from God.

3. It causes one to hear
from God

4. Grace is infectious,

grace saved Noah, but his household also benefited
from this grace. He went to the ark with his wives, his sons, and the three wives of his sons

The grace of God not only
saved Noah but also saved his household.

6. Grace  brings answered prayers

7. Grace brings spiritual blessings

8. Grace establishes God’s covenant with you and your

Why did Noah find grace in the eyes of God?

1. He was a just man – Genesis 6 vs 9

2. He was perfect – Genesis 6 vs 9

3. He walked with God – Genesis 6 vs 9

4. He was totally obedient to God-Genesis 6 vs 9

5. He was righteous before God- Genesis 7 vs 1

*Holiness brings grace, sinfulness brings disgrace.*

If you want to experience the grace of God this month, give your life to God, and be a Noah of this generation.

Be a Grace Agent

God bless you.