Stand in the gap

Ezekiel  22:30 And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.

This is a clear conscience that God is looking for people to stand in the gap for His church and his people.

Despite many churches and Christians in this land,  yet God is looking for those that will stand in the gap. 

The very people that is suppose to usher in the second coming has began to question it.

God wants us to stand in the gap where the world is full of...
 Pride, ego,

depending on things such as money, education,
military power and not on God

   Following false gods, such as fame, power, riches

–          Occult practices, false religions

–          Unbelief, lack of faith

–          Neglect of personal faith, misusing religion for your own purposes

–          Oppressing others, anger, resentment, being unforgiving

–          Victimization by others, oppression, personal calamity, illness

–          Lack of access to help, education, opportunity

–          Prejudice, injustice

–          Addictions, lust, moral failure, sinful habits

God wants you to stand in the gap. 

If only God can find someone. 

Will you stand for God in this crooked and perverse generation? 

God is waiting