Your Best Days are still Ahead

Ruth  1:20 And she said unto them, Call me not Naomi, call me Mara: for the Almighty hath dealt very bitterly with me.

Learn to build your life around your person,  not your role,  otherwise when your role changes you'll lose your sense of worth. 

Being a good mother is a Noble calling,  it's also self sacrificing job.  But when your children leave home,  and those demands are over,  it's easy to feel like Naomi did.  Her name meant 'my joy'  but after her two sons died she changed her name to Mara,  which means 'bitterness'

Don't allow changing tines to change who you are,  or to make you stop dreaming and give up hope. 

God still had a lot for Naomi to do.  In the future she would Mentor Ruth,  who would give birth to as son who was destined to grow up and become part of the lineage of King David and our blessed Lord.  What an honour

When your role changes,  remember that your life is not over.  See your own worth as a person,  don't have 'Mara mentality' 

Discouragement comes when we feel we've seen it all,  heard it all,  done it all,  and yet our life produces bitterness

No matter how old you are,  you can never say you've seen it all.  God can still do... Exceeding abundantly above all that you ask or think...

You don't know what God will do with your life before its over.  But He has a way of saving the best for the last. 

Your best days are still ahead   don't breakdown here. 

God bless you.