
1 Timothy  1:5 Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned

One of the the major complaints non-believers level against Christianity is that the churches are full of hypocrites. 

Hypocrisy  is a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.

So, a religious hypocrite is, by definition, a non-believer, since he is only pretending to be an adherent of the faith.

A hypocrite is not a person who commits some sins on occasion (all people commit sin occasionally), but someone who practices those sins on a routine basis.

Jesus preaches against being an hypocrite,  and affirm that all who practices hypocrisy will be sent to Hell. 
Here are some forms of hypocrisy

. Giving to the poor to be recognized by others

. Praying in public to be recognized as "God's man"

. Letting everybody know you are fasting to get recognition by others

. Complaining about other's behavior when yours is even worse.

. Pretending to honor God through lip service only

. Testing other people to try to make yourself look superior

. Deceiving people from knowing God

. Repressing the poor and widows

. Teaching proselytes to be hypocrites

. Tithing (giving to the church), but neglecting justice and mercy

Doing everything for show, while really being self-indulgent and unrighteous

Treating stock animals better than fellow human beings

Being able to analyze the weather, but unable to distinguish between right and wrong

Preaching against a sin in public and commiting the same sin in private..

Thinking you are more special before God and have a special grace so no one can correct your wrongs...

If you have any of those...  Caution and repent...

You may be with the Lord for a long time and yet on the last day,  He will say... 'I know you not'

Change today and identify yourself as a true child of God.

God bless you.