Jesus the same yesterday, today and forever.

Hebrews  13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

Countless  number of times we thought God has changed

When we are faced with the most difficult time of life

When we prayed and yet life continues to appear hard

We begin to say...

Was it the same God that gave Hannah a child is the same God silent in my situation?

Was  it the same God that raised Lazarus from the dead is still the same God watching my loved one die?

Jesus never change.. The same Jesus that raised the dead watched John the Baptist slaughtered.

When your finances changed, He remain unchanged

When your hope for life changes, He still remain unchanged

The same God that parted the red sea is still the same God today

The same God that answered Elijah with fire is still the same God today

Your level of understanding Him is the level of His operation in your life.

The same Jesus yesterday is still the same today and forever.

Don’t change your confession because of your condition

God bless you.