
2 Corinthians  11:3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

Doubt is to mistrust,  or the inclination to disbelieve.  The state of uncertainty or indecision  in regards to truth. 

Doubt is one of the devices of the devil used to weaken and destroy every believer in Christ.

It's the devil's business to tempt us to doubt God's word and to try to get us to believe his,  just has he did to Eve in eaten the forbidden fruit against the instruction of God.

Whenever the devil persuade us to believe his lies,  he gains the upper hand.

It is not a sin to be tempted with doubts,  but it is a sin to entertain doubts and yield to them.

The devil's lies,  or others' doubts,  don't change the fact of God's truth,  He is not a man that should lie neither the son of man that He should repent.

Loss of connection  with the word mostly makes us doubt,  weariness on well-doing, looking at the circumstances instead of the LORD,  over-concern about physical needs,  failure to keep the Lord in first place,  impatience and forgetting all the wonderful things the Lord has done are also reasons we doubt today.

Doubt is voiced in murmuring.....

Some of the consequences of doubt includes the following...

Doubting God will cause us to disappoint and displease God...

It will limit what the Lord can do in our behalf

It hinder God the ability to work through us

It will Rob us of happiness,  the Lords peace and rest,  blessings and miracles.

Doubt can cause the Word of God to loose its potency

Are you still doubting God's word in your life?,   resist the devil and yield your mind to the Lord

The sure cure for doubts is the word, read the words of God,  be rooted in them and grow in faith. 

God bless you.