Pear Pressure

Exodus  23:2 Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgment:

Pears are people of equal standing with one another in age or status which forms associates  and  commonly known as "pear groups". pear Pressure,  therefore is the demand to confirm to the prevailing positive or negative attitudes or actions of one's pear group. 

The Bible cautions us not to yield to negative pear Pressure.

Just because everybody else is doing it doesn't necessarily mean it is  right

... In Noah's day,  the majority were dead wrong,  so Noah had to buck the tide in order to survive. 

When pressured by your Pears,  remember your first loyalty is to the Lord and His standard. 

Watch out if friendships or relationships cause you to stray from the Lord's standard.

Being swayed by the opinions of the crowed can lead to compromise and grave mistakes

We as God's children,  must guard against being overly influenced by worldly trends,  fads,  or practices. 

If you're faithfully following the Lord,  don't expect to "fit in" with those who aren't.

Wisely choose who you associate with and follow. 

God bless you.